Island Magazine and Islet - Two Great Markets for the price of one! :)
Island Magazine is a prestigious Australian literary magazine that
has been around since 1979
Island is a literary quarterly that publishes the very
best contemporary writing – fiction, essays, memoir and poetry. It
engages with pre-eminent writers, while also developing and
promoting new voices.
Island pays a semi-pro to pro rate and accepts both fiction and
poetry submissions - Online is the only accepted means of submitting
:) Thier complete guidelines are available as a PDF:
Island welcomes new fiction, poetry and non-fiction from
writers around the world. Please read our submission guidelines
before submitting your work as only writing that meets these
guidelines will be considered.
Island Online Submission Guidelines
Online Submission Form
- We publish fiction, poetry, and all varieties of non-fiction
(essays, critical reviews, creative non-fiction, memoir etc). We
also consider extracts from novels or longer works
- Island often explores particular themes: watch the website for
updates and calls for themed submissions
- Submissions are only accepted via our website
- Submissions must be typed with 1.5 spacing, and 12pt font
- Include a wide margin at left and right
- Fiction and nonfiction usually range from 2500 to 5000 words
- Poems may be any length, though there are fewer opportunities
for poems over 2 pages in length
- Include a cover sheet with the title of the piece, its genre,
and word count;
- Also include on the cover sheet your name; contact information
(phone, email and mailing address); and a short biographical
note (50-100 words)
- For citations use the following format: surname, initial,
*‘title of article’], title of book, edition, publisher, place
of publication, date, page reference (with all elements
separated by commas)
- Use single inverted commas (‘ ’) around quotations and reserve
double inverted commas (“ ”) for quotations within quotations
Payment & Copyright:
- Rates will be negotiated directly with the author upon
acceptance (min. $100).
- A contract will be issued on acceptance and payment will be
made by cheque or direct credit after return of contract,
submission of an invoice, and publication.
- Island acquires the rights to published work for three months;
and the work will be made available on our website archives. The
copyright stays with the author, but any subsequent publication
must acknowledge first publication in Island.
Keep in mind that payment is in Australian dollars ;) However, as of
right now AUD/USD are very, very close in value...if that sort of
thing concerns ya.
I highly suggest you peruse the Island Magazine website. It has lots
of sample work from past issues for you to take a look at, and it
also has Islet!
Islet is the online only version of Island Magazine and has it's own
set of guidelines.
Islet is Island magazine’s online-only journal. Islet is
updated regularly and publishes short work by emerging writers.
Please read our submission guidelines before submitting your work
as only writing that meets these guidelines will be considered.
Islet Online Submission Guidelines
Islet not only accepts unsolicited submissions, it's actually geared
towards accepting the work of emerging writers (read the
- it also accepts submissions from visual artists as well.
The guidelines for Islet, as well as the pay rate are completely
different from Island Magazine's, but they are still pro rates. The
Islet link
contains work from featured artists that you can peruse as well.
On another note, according to Island Mag's front page, they may be
in danger of losing some of their major funding. If you feel you
want to do your part to help the zine out, please do follow some of
the suggestions listed there. You can also get more info on their Facebook and Twitter pages!/islandmagtas