Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ruminate Magazine - Fiction - Creative Non-Fiction - Poetry - Art - Interviews - Book Reviews

Ruminate Magazine - Chewing on Life, Faith and Art

Ruminate is a Christian, themed (and Christian themed) magazine.
ru'mi-nate: to chew the cud; to muse; to meditate; to think again; to ponder
RUMINATE is a quarterly magazine of short stories, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art that resonate with the complexity and truth of the Christian faith. Each issue is a themed forum for literature and art that speaks to the existence of our daily lives while nudging us toward a greater hope.
But don't let the Christian spiritual overtones throw you. It's always best to remember that some of the most beautiful works of art grow from a seed of pure faith :) Besides...
RUMINATE publishes work with both subtle and overt associations to the Christian faith as well as work that has no direct association.
Ruminate publishes fiction, creative non-fiction, interviews, poetry, art and book reviews. As mentioned above, Ruminate publishes themed issues, so be sure to check the guidelines to make sure you're submitting the right type of work!

They accept submissions through an online submission form and pay $5 per page or in contributor copies.

Full Submission Guidelines are here:

Sample Work can be found in the list of back issues:

Of course they're on Facebook...why wouldn't they be? https://www.facebook.com/RuminateMagazine

Etchings - Fiction - Poetry - Essays - Photography - Art

Etchings - Fiction Poetry Essays Photography Art

ETCHINGS is a quality publication with an international focus, dedicated to showcasing new work by emerging and established writers and artists.

Etchings is an Australian journal and...well...pretty much everything that needs to be said is already said in its guidelines :)
We accept submissions of all styles of literary fiction, poetry, personal & creative essays, photography, and art.

All unsolicited submissions must be unpublished.

We also accept electronic submissions, particularly from overseas contributors. Format: RTF for writing, and 300 dpi for images (JPG preferred).

All accepted work will need to be submitted in electronic format: RTF or PDF for writing, and 300 dpi for images (JPG preferred).

Please limit submissions to three prose pieces (max 5000 words per piece), or three images. Poetry submissions should include at least three, but no more than six poems.

Contributors are paid AU$75 and receive one copy of the issue they appear in. (For poetry, this fee covers three to five pages of poems; a fee of AU$35 is paid for poems up to two pages.) Please note: Australian contributors are paid by cheque. International contributors are paid via PayPal secure payment services.

Email electronic submissions to: etchings@ilurapress.com
Oh yea, Etchings publishes themed issues, so be sure you are submitting the right kind of work. However, the site says that if it doesn't match the current issue, it'll be saved for the next issue's consideration.
The themes are intended as starting points only, and they can be interpreted in many different ways.
 Good Luck :)

Right...one more thing: For examples, there are sample pages from the current and back issues available on the site!

The publisher of Etchings, Ilura Press can be found on twitter and facebook

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dreams & Nightmares - Poetry - Flash Fiction - Artwork

Dreams and Nightmares

My kind of publication! Dreams and Nightmares (DN) publishes mostly poetry of the speculative type (fantasy and science fiction).

Welcome to the website for Dreams and Nightmares magazine. DN is a print magazine of science fiction and fantasy poetry. DN was founded in January of 1986.

The magazine accepts poetry and short (flash) fiction as well as some artwork. Of course the editor/publisher prefers email submissions :) I do believe he will pay by paypal as well if requested. Also, this happens to be one of those glorious "pays on acceptance" markets (as opposed to "pays on publication")
Poetry & Fiction
Maximum length for poetry or fiction is 2 single-spaced typed pages, but I prefer less than one page. I prefer e-submissions in the body of the message.
I print 15-20 poems per issue. Buying 1st N.Am. serial rights unless state otherwise. Payment is $12 on acceptance + 2 contributor's copies.
Fewer than 5% of submissions are accepted. Response time is commonly 4-8 weeks.

Artwork should be line drawings; no half-tones. Good photocopies OK, but I prefer to receive JPEG's as e-mail attachments. Art should be no larger than 4 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches, but I can reduce it. Payment $12 on acceptance plus 2 copies.

For samples of artwork, the site has a gallery section with covers from back issues: http://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.com/gallery.htm

Send submissions to: dckmdnmag@gmail.com


David (the editor/publisher) also keeps a regular blog with site updates, announcements and examples of his own work - it looks like he posts a daily haiku :) http://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.blogspot.com/

You can also find him on Twitter and...lot's of other places.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the New Yorker - Fiction - Poetry

The New Yorker

I read somewhere once that the best practice for submitting one's work, is to start from the top and work your way down. The New Yorker, my friends, is definitely the top. As such, it is consistently listed as one of the most challenging markets to get your stuff into...but hey, you never know until you try right? :)

The New Yorker is a Pro market, with a capital 'P' - It accepts both fiction and poetry.

Submissions: Fiction, poetry, Shouts & Murmurs, and newsbreaks should be sent as pdf attachments. Do not paste them into the message field. - http://www.newyorker.com/contact/contactus

*Note: To convert your files to PDF for free, try a free PDF Creator like PDF24: http://en.pdf24.org/pdf-creator-download.html*

There is a lot of fiction and poetry that you can use as samples littered throughout the New Yorker website. All of the recent stuff is behind a paywall (ie you need to subscribe to the magazine), but it looks like pretty much everything that's a year old or older, can be viewed free of charge. If you have trouble with figuring out the search feature on the site, let me know :)

Additionally, the New Yorker also has a fiction podcast! It's a monthly reading of a work that has been publised in the magazine, with further discussion with the fiction editor. You can listen to and/or download episodes here: http://www.newyorker.com/online/podcasts/fiction/
And you can also subscribe to it's xml feed or on itunes

The Magazine

The New Yorker (6-month)

More about this product

List Price: $114.77
Price: $39.99
You Save: $74.78 (65%)

The Kindle Version

Why yes indeed, the New Yorker DOES in fact have a Facebook and a Twitter page :)
Thier Fiction Podcast also has a Facebook page of it's own - https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-New-Yorker-Fiction-Podcast/92470227538

Friday, September 16, 2011

Matter Press: The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts - Poetry - Flash Fiction

Matter Press: The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

Before we get into it, I want to let you know that this market is currently only open for poetry submissions, and that will close on October 31, 2011! So be quick about it! And keep your eye open for when the flash fiction reads come back around.

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is a non-profit publisher of compressed creative arts, such as micro fiction, flash fiction, prose poetry, compressed poetry & visual arts, and whatever other forms compression might take. Matter pays authors $50 for their accepted pieces. We publish weekly bursts of compression & decompression and make as many varied word-plays on matter as we can. We also blog here and at FlashFiction.Net.


The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is currently closed to prose fiction and creative nonfiction submissions at this time.  Our reading period ended on August 15, 2011. We publish (very) tiny, compressed prose creations of 600 words or less. We use Submishmash for all submissions.  We value form, character, and words that fit to both.  Experimentation is interesting.  Experimentation for the sake of appearing experimental is less interesting.  We like close reading and close writing.  We like to feel what we read before we understand. Poetry submissions are now open and will close on October 31, 2011.

So, when they are accepting fiction submissions, it's flash fiction (for all you flash enthusiasts out there:) - And if you are a friend of flash fiction, Matter is closely connected with http://flashfiction.net/ - They are both ran by Matter founder, Randall Brown.

I really love the concept of this journal. There are some very good examples on the website...lots of them actually. So I suggest you get familiar.

Matter pays professional rates and I hear thier response times are superhumanly fast!

In the future they plan to also hold some chapbook competitions through the "press" part of thier site: http://matterpress.com/press/

Of course you assumed there was a Facebook page right? :) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matter-Press-for-Compressed-Creative-Arts/122763447779831

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Island Magazine and Islet - Poetry - Fiction - Essays - Memoirs - Visual Arts

Island Magazine and Islet - Two Great Markets for the price of one! :)

Island Magazine is a prestigious Australian literary magazine that has been around since 1979

Island is a literary quarterly that publishes the very best contemporary writing – fiction, essays, memoir and poetry. It engages with pre-eminent writers, while also developing and promoting new voices.

Island pays a semi-pro to pro rate and accepts both fiction and poetry submissions - Online is the only accepted means of submitting :) Thier complete guidelines are available as a PDF: http://www.islandmag.com/upfiles/im/cont/website_content/pdfs/submisison_guidelines.pdf


Island welcomes new fiction, poetry and non-fiction from writers around the world. Please read our submission guidelines before submitting your work as only writing that meets these guidelines will be considered.
Island Online Submission Guidelines
Island Online Submission Form
  • We publish fiction, poetry, and all varieties of non-fiction (essays, critical reviews, creative non-fiction, memoir etc). We also consider extracts from novels or longer works
  • Island often explores particular themes: watch the website for updates and calls for themed submissions
  • Submissions are only accepted via our website
  • Submissions must be typed with 1.5 spacing, and 12pt font
  • Include a wide margin at left and right
  • Fiction and nonfiction usually range from 2500 to 5000 words
  • Poems may be any length, though there are fewer opportunities for poems over 2 pages in length
  • Include a cover sheet with the title of the piece, its genre, and word count;
  • Also include on the cover sheet your name; contact information (phone, email and mailing address); and a short biographical note (50-100 words)
  • For citations use the following format: surname, initial, *‘title of article’], title of book, edition, publisher, place of publication, date, page reference (with all elements separated by commas)
  • Use single inverted commas (‘ ’) around quotations and reserve double inverted commas (“ ”) for quotations within quotations
Payment & Copyright:
  • Rates will be negotiated directly with the author upon acceptance (min. $100).
  • A contract will be issued on acceptance and payment will be made by cheque or direct credit after return of contract, submission of an invoice, and publication.
  • Island acquires the rights to published work for three months; and the work will be made available on our website archives. The copyright stays with the author, but any subsequent publication must acknowledge first publication in Island.
Keep in mind that payment is in Australian dollars ;) However, as of right now AUD/USD are very, very close in value...if that sort of thing concerns ya.

I highly suggest you peruse the Island Magazine website. It has lots of sample work from past issues for you to take a look at, and it also has Islet!

Islet is the online only version of Island Magazine and has it's own set of guidelines.


Islet is Island magazine’s online-only journal. Islet is updated regularly and publishes short work by emerging writers. Please read our submission guidelines before submitting your work as only writing that meets these guidelines will be considered.
Islet Online Submission Guidelines
Islet not only accepts unsolicited submissions, it's actually geared towards accepting the work of emerging writers (read the guidelines) - it also accepts submissions from visual artists as well.

The guidelines for Islet, as well as the pay rate are completely different from Island Magazine's, but they are still pro rates. The Islet link contains work from featured artists that you can peruse as well.

On another note, according to Island Mag's front page, they may be in danger of losing some of their major funding. If you feel you want to do your part to help the zine out, please do follow some of the suggestions listed there. You can also get more info on their Facebook and Twitter pages



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five Points: A Journal Of Literature and Art - Fiction - Poetry - Essays - Photography

Five Points: A Journal of Literature & Art

Five Points: a journal of literature and art is published by Georgia State University three times a year.
Five Points is a literary journal dedicated to publishing quality fiction, poetry, essays, photographs, artwork, and interviews. We place no limitations on style or content. Our only criterion is excellence. If your writing has an original voice, substance, and significance, send it to us. We will publish distinctive, intelligent writing that has something to say and says it in a way that captures and maintains our attention.

As of Sept. 1 Five Points has resumed reading manuscripts (not sure of their reading period but I think it ends in April). It accepts both poetry and fiction and pays in the semi-pro to pro range. Of course it accepts email submissions. It uses it's own Five Points Submission Manager which can be found here: http://www.fivepoints.gsu.edu/submissions/

By all accounts, it's pretty hard to get an acceptance from them. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try though :) It's only been around since 96 but many of its stories win awards and go into anthologies. It was #10 on EWR's Top 50 Literary Magazines.

Five Points only accepts up to 2 submissions per genre during the course of its reading period - meaning only up to 2 poems AND 2 stories at most.

It was kind of hard tracking down info about specific guidelines for Five Points, but with a little googling and dedication, I managed to find what I guess is their old website (their current one looks to be lacking a bit of info) - The old site is still up for the nonce but may disappear at any time. It has their guidelines, examples of poetry and fiction from older issues (do your research!) and a gallery of art from older issues as well. Of course, as these are old guidelines, you should use your best discretion.

Guidelines for General Submissions

Fiction: Stories or self-contained novel excerpts in the 7500-word range preferred, but we will consider longer pieces. One story per submission.

Poetry: High-quality poems. Send up to three poems per submission. Poems should not exceed fifty lines each.

Essays: Literary or personal essays, no criticism. We prefer the 7500-word range. Send one essay per submission. 

Photographs and Artwork: Send slides, cd, or duplicates. Black and white photography is preferable, but we will consider color.

Payment: $15 per printed page (prose), $50 per poem, $250 for photographs and artwork plus complimentary copies and  subscription. 

The new site also has examples of stories and poetry for the current issue that happens to be out, so check that as well.

Like everybody else these days, they have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Five-Points-A-Journal-of-Literature-and-Art/330426257932

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ocean Magazine - Fiction - Non-Fiction - Poetry - Photography

Ocean Magazine - Exactly what it says on the tin. It's a magazine dedicated to the ocean :) Can't go wrong with that!
OCEAN is a magazine about the ocean. OCEAN Magazine publishes articles and stories, essays, poems, and photography
   written with fact and feeling, to celebrate and protect the ocean.
   OCEAN is an eclectic blend of the informative and educational, personal, spiritual and sensual. OCEAN draws its inspiration
   from love, with beauty.
Ocean Magazine accepts poetry, fiction and photography and they pay at a semi-pro to professional rate. Of course, they accept email submissions. If they didn't, I wouldn't be telling you about em.
OCEAN publishes stories, articles, essays, and poems about the ocean –– scientific, creative, environmental, recreational, spiritual ––

in keeping with its celebration and protection of our ocean.

You may send sample writings, or full text submissions.

Send writing submissions by EMAIL, preferably: diane@OceanMagazine.org

Please include the text in the body of the email. You may also attach a Word or pdf file of the text.

Along with the text, include your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number.
OCEAN publishes photographs of the ocean or related to the ocean.

Photographs –– high resolution 300 dpi, jpg, 5" wide minimum.

Send submissions by EMAIL, preferably: diane@OceanMagazine.org

Please send each photograph in separate emails.

Along with the photograph or illustration, include your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number.

Or MAIL a CD to:

Photography Submissions
P.O. Box 84
Rodanthe, NC 27968
I read they have a pretty fast rejection time and a somewhat long acceptance time. I suppose that means if you don't hear back from them soon...you might be in luck!
I remember the site used to have deadlines for it's quarterly issues (did I mention it was a quarterly zine?) - but those deadlines aren't there anymore. I suppose somebody realized that if they were doing all ocean, all the time...then maybe posting deadlines was kinda pointless ;)
The site itself is full of info. There are samples from the current and past issue as well as some gorgeous photography work. You can use those to get a feel for what it is they're looking for. They also suggest you purchase an issue or subscription to get a full understanding.

Yup...you can defintely go "like" them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/OCEAN-Magazine/58358213082

EveryWritersResource.com's Top 50 Literary Magazines

EveryWritersResource.com's Top 50 Literary Magazines
Every Writer's Resource (EWR) - http://www.everywritersresource.com/

Every Writer's Resource is, as the name states, a nice writer's resource with links to many literary magazines, markets, publishing articles etc.

If, for some reason, you don't know what a literary magazine is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literary_magazine

The reason why I'm posting about this list is because each entry in the list also contains a link to the submission guidelines for that particular zine. They indicate with bold if the the magazine accepts email submissions (my favorite type!) - Well, to be fair, outside of the list itself, the site is a rather nice one. I highly suggest exploring it.

I'm going to list the first, top 10. You can follow the link to see the rest.

  • The best of the best. We didn't have any commercial magazines on our last list, but it was a shame to leave this literary magazine out. After lots of emails here it is one the oldest and the most honored magazine of all. Started in the 1920s and has a circulation of over a million readers. Online submissions: http://www.newyorker.com/contact/contactus
  1. Ploughshares http://www.pshares.org
  • Founded in 1971 Ploughshares is our best and highest ranked university non-commercial literary magazine. It is more honored by national anthologies than any other magazine except the New Yorker. It is an outstanding publication. Online submissions: http://www.pshares.org/submit/
  • Founded in 1857 and often honored by national anthologies. This is another outstanding commercial magazine with a very large circulation of about 400,000 readers. They do publish new writers from time to time. http://www.theatlantic.com/faq/ Submissions by email.
  1. Harper's Magazine http://www.harpers.org/
  • Started in 1998 but quickly became one of the best and best known literary magazines in the country. It has been honored by national anthologies more times than many literary magazine that have been publishing for over 100 years. 
  1. New England Review http://www.nereview.com/
  1. Georgia Review http://www.uga.edu/garev/
  1. Kenyon Review http://kenyonreview.org/
  • Is published by Georgia State university and is in our top 10 of these 50 for being always in national anthologies and winning awards. Founded in 1996 still less than 20 years old but a great literary magazine. Online submissions: http://www.fivepoints.gsu.edu/submissions/