Friday, September 16, 2011

Matter Press: The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts - Poetry - Flash Fiction

Matter Press: The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

Before we get into it, I want to let you know that this market is currently only open for poetry submissions, and that will close on October 31, 2011! So be quick about it! And keep your eye open for when the flash fiction reads come back around.

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is a non-profit publisher of compressed creative arts, such as micro fiction, flash fiction, prose poetry, compressed poetry & visual arts, and whatever other forms compression might take. Matter pays authors $50 for their accepted pieces. We publish weekly bursts of compression & decompression and make as many varied word-plays on matter as we can. We also blog here and at FlashFiction.Net.


The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is currently closed to prose fiction and creative nonfiction submissions at this time.  Our reading period ended on August 15, 2011. We publish (very) tiny, compressed prose creations of 600 words or less. We use Submishmash for all submissions.  We value form, character, and words that fit to both.  Experimentation is interesting.  Experimentation for the sake of appearing experimental is less interesting.  We like close reading and close writing.  We like to feel what we read before we understand. Poetry submissions are now open and will close on October 31, 2011.

So, when they are accepting fiction submissions, it's flash fiction (for all you flash enthusiasts out there:) - And if you are a friend of flash fiction, Matter is closely connected with - They are both ran by Matter founder, Randall Brown.

I really love the concept of this journal. There are some very good examples on the website...lots of them actually. So I suggest you get familiar.

Matter pays professional rates and I hear thier response times are superhumanly fast!

In the future they plan to also hold some chapbook competitions through the "press" part of thier site:

Of course you assumed there was a Facebook page right? :)

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